Getting started
Basic concepts: taking our first steps
Using an IDE
Objects and classes
Loops, ranges, and iterators
Working with files
Exception handling
Python data types
Course project: building a TODO application
And now what?

Requirements: what you need before you can start

To follow this course, you need at least the following:

  • A computer with Windows, Linux, or MacOS.
  • The ability/rights to install software on your computer.
  • A working Internet connection.

Honestly, all you need is a Python installation and, preferably, a decent IDE. We’ll be using the freely available Visual Studio Code editor, which you can download for all three platforms. But if you strongly prefer another editor, you should be fine too.

I did not design this course to be followed solely on your phone or a tablet. Although you can follow the lessons on such a device, you learn the most on a computer where you can fire up Python and try stuff for yourself.

Required knowledge level

This course is suitable for those with no programming experience, although some prior knowledge will undoubtedly help.

  • I’ll walk you through all the steps, including installing Python itself and a suitable editor.
  • I designed this course to benefit both complete beginners and those with some prior experience.
  • You can quickly go over steps that you feel are too basic for you; they are there for those needing extra guidance.
  • You don’t need extra material or previously completed courses. This course is self-contained.
  • I expect you to have basic computer skills, like what files are, how to locate them, etc.