Visual studio code primer
Modules and packages
Virtual environments and package management
Intermediate Python Concepts
Built-in libraries for daily use

Valid modules names

There are some restrictions on the names of Python modules because we must be able to import them from Python code and use/reference them with a regular variable. As a result, a valid module name has a lot in common with regular variable names.

A module name:

  • Is a string of letters and digits
  • Can contain underscores if it helps with readability
  • Cannot start with a digit
  • Does not contain spaces or other whitespace characters
  • Cannot contain any of the following additional characters: \ / : * ? ” < > | –

In addition to these rules, there are some best practices to follow when naming modules. Notable:

  • Use lowercase letters for the module name.
  • Make sure names are short and descriptive.

Common mistakes

There are some common mistakes that might cause weird issues that are hard to debug, so I want to warn you about them here.

One common mistake is to use reserved words or existing module names for your module. I’ve done so myself, e.g., by creating a module called http while Python already has a module with this name.

Another cause of hard-to-debug errors is naming your module the same as a directory that is present at the same level as the file. E.g., when you create a module while there’s also a directory customers, you’re going to get in trouble.